Can Papaya Enzyme Stop Arthritis Pain?

Can Papaya Enzyme Stop Arthritis Pain?

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Did you know that an easily accessible natural enzyme from the Papaya plant has been proven to provide significant relief from chronic arthritis pain?

This is exciting (and important) news for the over 40 million Americans that suffer from various types of arthritis pain.

In this article I will show you exactly how an enzyme found in the humble papaya has been proven to do this … and I’ll show you the science to back this claim.

I’ll also show you how you can easily introduce this enzyme into your diet so that you can begin experiencing its benefits.

To begin, let’s talk about the role of inflammation in chronic arthritis.

Your Joints Are Starving!

Inflammation is a natural response the body uses to ward off foreign invaders when the body feels it’s under attack. White blood cells rush to the scene of damaged tissues and surround the injuries while releasing substances to protect it from getting infected. This response is just like your body’s response to a cut, where a blood clot forms to stop the blood flow, and then a tough scab forms over the wound.

With conditions like arthritis, however, the body doesn’t get the message that the infection is taken care of. When this happens, the normal immune response that protects the body from damage actually ends up going into overdrive and causes even more damage. A never-ending cycle of inflammatory response keeps your joints in a state of pain and stiffness.

The impact of this damaging cycle of chronic inflammation is that it prevents life-giving fresh blood flow into the joints. This nutrient-rich blood brings oxygen and critical nutrients for healing your joints. However, when your joints are inflamed, they are literally starving for nutrients. It’s no wonder that in the worst cases of arthritis, the joints get misshapen and very painful.

So, What Do Enzymes Have to Do With Reducing the Inflammation That Causes Arthritis Flare-Ups?

As we just learned, arthritis is a byproduct of chronic inflammation in your joints. As the area becomes inflamed, the joints become more stiff, and the more stiff your joints become, the more damage occurs.

The best way to stop this vicious cycle is to find a way to turn off the body’s inflammatory response and bring healthy blood and oxygen into the joints so that the area can naturally heal itself. When you do this, the pain many people associate with arthritis goes away, as well.

So how do you increase the blood and oxygen in your joints? Well, that is where a very special enzyme enters the equation.

A Groundbreaking Medical Study Shows The Connection

In 2007 a groundbreaking study was released that finally pinpointed one of the key factors that are common in most cases of arthritis pain.

The study (5) showed that an overabundance of a naturally occurring protein accumulating in the joints was the main culprit behind arthritis pain. This protein was called fibrin.

Fibrin is one of the substances the body releases as part of the inflammatory response. However, when in a state of chronic inflammation, the body produces too much fibrin, and this has the effect of preventing the body from turning off the inflammation response! It is a vicious circle that keeps you in pain!

In addition, as we age, our body’s ability to produce the natural enzymes that eliminate excess fibrin is compromised. As a result, excessive fibrin accumulates and causes a decreased functioning of aging organs, which explains why wounds in the elderly appear to heal slowly and leave bigger scars.

This led the researchers to speculate that by getting rid of excess fibrin, they could interrupt this cycle and dramatically reduce arthritis pain.

And they were right! It worked!

The only problem with the study is that hardly anyone noticed it. Sadly, this amazing breakthrough went largely ignored for years, until one company recognized the amazing potential for helping millions of arthritis pain sufferers. More on them later …

It is important that you understand how the removal of excess fibrin will help alleviate your arthritis pain … this really is the key to solving the arthritis puzzle.

Please, take two minutes to watch the excellent video explanation below, then continue reading this article. The video illustrates a powerful concept … and holds the key to your arthritis relief.

Fibrin Explained (animation)

As you saw in the video, when you introduce this natural enzyme into your system, the fibrin is dissolved, your body can then repair itself, and you’ll experience relief for perhaps the first time in years.

Think of it this way … have you ever marinated a tough piece of meat to tenderize it?

Chances are that you used some kind of powdered fruit extract to accomplish this goal. If you added something like papaya, kiwi fruit, pineapple, fig, or mango, then you were unknowingly embracing the power of proteolytic enzymes to make the meat more tender!

Proteolytic enzymes, like the one found in papayas, have been used for years to tenderize meat for easier consumption; however, science has shown that these enzymes work the same way on the excess fibrin in our bodies, dissolving it and helping to remove it from our joint areas.

The recent science on this has been consistently clear: proteolytic enzymes will reduce joint pain and inflammation via a unique mechanism that neutralizes the painful impact of excess fibrin in your system.

By removing the excess fibrin, your body can get red blood cells, oxygen, and fresh nutrients into your joints. This alone will dramatically reduces the main symptoms of arthritis pain by allowing your joints to heal naturally.

The Secret History of Papaya’s Unique And Mysterious Enzyme

While the science on proteolytic enzymes has always been strong, recently, a lot of attention has been paid to one member of this family of enzymes—and you can only find it naturally in papayas!

Papayas have been shown to aid in a galaxy of health concerns, from digestive issues to hair growth.

But most recently, the scientific community has turned its attention toward papaya’s special enzyme and its ability to treat arthritis pain.

Papain (also known as papaya proteinase I) is unlike a lot of the other members of the proteolytic enzyme family—many of which the body creates naturally.

The human body makes several enzymes in the digestive tract, but papain (and all its benefits) must come from an outside source.

Papain had been used medicinally for many years both topically and internally to treat inflammation, but it wasn’t until 2008 that the Food and Drug Administration brought the enzyme under regulation—a move that gave birth to a wealth of scientific research into this unique substance.

The Science Behind Papaya’s Unique Papain Enzyme

From its first uses promoted through word of mouth and old wives’ tales, to its current scientifically-backed claims, papain has always been known to be a powerful anti-inflammatory enzyme.

According to Dr. Eric Braverman, “Papain increases the production of immune cells called cytokines to speed healing. It also slows the blood-clotting mechanism, which improves circulation and boosts the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the inflamed area.”

“ REMEMBER: Excess Fibrin prevents red blood cells, and the oxygen they carry, from reaching the cells in your joints, essentially starving them of vital nutrients. “

Stacking Enzymes For Greater Effect!

This effect is seen to be most efficient, however, when papain gets the assist from other proteolytic enzymes—specifically pancreatin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, rutin—and especially, bromelain—then the impact becomes even greater.

When these enzymes join forces, their ability to relieve pain associated with arthritis is unmatched!

Evidence suggests that, together with these other proteolytic enzymes, papain can not only break up existing harmful autoimmune responses, but the can even prevent their formation in the first place!

The same research suggests that this combination works better than some anti-inflammatory drugs.

The bottom line is that, while it would be nice to think that you could just start eating papayas every day and fix your arthritis, that may not be practical for many people. There is an easier way to get this beneficial enzymes from papaya into your system and helping you feel better.

How to Get Papain into Your Diet

So now that you understand the power of getting the papain enzyme into your system, you may be wondering how you go about doing that.

You could just eat a LOT of papaya … but there are some important factors to consider.

The first problem with getting the healing power of papain directly from the source is that the fruit is a bit carb heavy. If you’re trying to cut back on carbs to lose weight, it would greatly limit how much papaya you could actually eat without gaining significant weight.

The other issue is that the actual concentration of papain in a papaya or mountain papaya is currently unknown and likely varies from fruit to fruit.

Also, more practically, you may not like eating papaya every day. There are some people that absolutely love the taste, but to others, the smell and the flavor can be very off-putting.

So What’s The Solution To Relieving Arthritis Pain?

Instead of trying to consume Papaya everyday, you can easily supplement your diet with an easy, safe supplement made from the papain extract, plus other complimentary enzymes.

Supplementing with papain eliminates all of these concerns—no carbs to worry about, no potentially off-putting flavor, and you know exactly how much you’re getting.

Here is the the beauty of supplementing with the enzyme in papain; research shows that enzymes like papain and its cousin, chymopapain, help in improving rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. and aid in providing significant pain relief.

The other benefit of taking a papain supplement is that, when done right, you will find papain stacked with other beneficial enzymes. The better supplements bring the whole proteolytic enzyme team together for maximum anti-inflammatory effects. Look for supplements that stack several enzymes together like this.

Also, you’ll want to pick a quality supplement from a reputable distributor, but don’t worry about breaking the bank. Supplements containing papain are far more affordable than prescription drugs and hospital visits. Plus, they won’t spoil like old fruit either.

Did you know that the average cost per person in the U.S. for arthritis care is over $2000! Per year! This includes prescription costs and doctor visits. I don’t know about you, but I am always looking for a natural, less expensive, solution to prescriptions.

Even More Whole Body Benefits … Beyond Just Arthritis Relief!

Another advantage of taking a multi-enzyme product is that you won’t just be receiving the joint health support, but you’ll also enjoy the entire breadth of benefits that come with enzyme supplementation.

When you start healing your body naturally, your whole body benefits. Unlike prescription drugs that are supposed to zero-in on a specific problem, no matter what other damage it might cause, when you put enzymes to work, they promote whole-body health.

Inflammation rarely exists in just one part of your body. Even if there’s just one spot that’s giving you the most trouble, there are probably more areas that could be attended to. These enzymes will reduce inflammation in your joints, your stomach, your muscles, skin, sore throats, and so on.

Any Downsides?

While you should discuss any supplementation routine with a doctor, it is helpful to know that papain can be dangerous for pregnant women.

Also, if you are about to undergo a surgery you should not take papain.

Papain can also upset your stomach if you take too much, so you definitely want to make sure that you’re taking just the right amount. Following the dosage guidelines is easy enough and eliminates this risk.

My Experience With Arthritis and Papaya Enzyme

I’m 51 and have had osteoarthritis in my right knee for years, and even underwent arthroscopic knee surgery in 2013.  The pain going down stairs was so great that I had to take one step at a time and go very slowly.

When I learned about the power of enzymes to eliminate arthritis pain, I went on a personal mission to find a company that had the correct blend of these powerful enzymes.    

I discovered LivingWell Nutraceuticals, and I became a customer almost two years ago. 

I have to tell you . . . I am now a believer in the power of this enzyme to take away arthritis pain.  After taking their supplement, I now walk down those same stairs normally . . . no pain whatsoever.  

I put their product to the test myself—and it delivered!  That’s why I feel comfortable recommending it to you.  

I even ordered extra bottles and sent them to my 68-year-old mother, who suffers from arthritis in her hands, so she could get the same relief I did.

So, Does It Really Work?

The number of stories from people who have found arthritis relief using this product is quite remarkable, including several doctors that endorse it.

Here are just a few of the ones that stood out to me:

Heal-n-Soothe Testimonials

Do You Want Arthritis Pain Relief?

You can try out this supplement for free at the link below, if you’d like. If it works for you, imagine how that could change the quality of your days.

Be aware that the company does charge you a small shipping fee (mine was under $10) to get the free bottle shipped to you, but the full 30-day supply is 100% free, which I felt was quite generous. I always appreciate when companies let me try out their products before I pay for them.

As a bonus, they are also offering their informative book, Arthritis Reversed, just for trying their supplement. This book contains a wealth of additional tips and strategies for conquering arthritis.

I’m not sure how long the free book will be offered with the free trial of the supplement, but this is an excellent value!

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