FDA Requires Warnings On Ibuprofen, Celebrex, And Other NSAIDs

FDA Requires Warnings On Ibuprofen, Celebrex, And Other NSAIDs

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Despite their popularity, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can keep you in a vicious cycle of pain. Why? Because, no NSAID can make the underlying cause of arthritis go away.

Instead, NSAIDs only work by masking the pain of arthritis, not solving the issue causing the pain.

This begs the following question:

“Why are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) still the most prescribed medication for arthritis pain relief?”

Simple. They mask the symptoms of pain and help you make it through the day by taking the edge off.

The problem is that while they can make you feel better temporarily, this fleeting pain relief comes at a high cost.

In fact, there is something alarming about NSAIDs like Ibuprofen, Aspirin, and Celebrex that you may not be aware of.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has known for years that taking popular nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), Aleve and Celebrex may be dangerous for your heart.

It was 2005 when the agency first warned that taking NASIDs increases your risk of heart attack or stroke, either of which can be fatal. Unfortunately, this wasn’t until after the NSAID Vioxx caused up to 140,000 heart attacks in the five-year period it was on the market (it was pulled from the market in 2004).

Today the heart warning is already included in the Boxed Warning section of prescription drug labels, but since the drugs are so widely used, and in light of a new review, the FDA has taken the “unusual step” of strengthening the warning.[i]

NSAID Danger Explained

The new warning was recommended by an expert panel, which reviewed safety information on both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) NSAIDs, including observational studies, a large combined analysis of clinical trials, and additional scientific publications.

The FDA’s new warning includes the following:[ii]

  • Your risk of heart attack or stroke may increase as early as the first weeks of using an NSAID.

  • Your risk may increase the longer you use the NSAID, and the risk appears greater at higher doses.

  • NSAIDs can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke in patients with or without heart disease or risk factors for heart disease.

  • In general, patients with heart disease or risk factors for it have a greater likelihood of heart attack or stroke following NSAID use than patients without these risk factors because they have a higher risk at baseline.

  • Patients treated with NSAIDs following a first heart attack were more likely to die in the first year after the heart attack compared to patients who were not treated with NSAIDs after their first heart attack.

  • There is an increased risk of heart failure with NSAID use.

The FDA further stressed that both you and your doctor should “remain alert for heart-related side effects” the entire time NSAIDs are being taken. As mentioned, they can occur after just a couple of weeks of use and you may be affected even if you’re healthy and have no risk factors for heart disease. And it’s not only heart risks you need to be concerned about. NSAIDs, including even OTC options like aspirin, are notorious for being hard on your gastrointestinal tract, leading to potentially fatal side effects such as bleeding in your digestive tract, ulcers and perforation of your stomach or intestines.

NSAIDs, which are one of the most common drug classes used to treat joint pain, may even disrupt cartilage synthesis and actually speed up the destruction of cartilage and joints.


If you are taking NSAIDs – and especially if you have been taking them for an extended period of time – you should be aware that these medications put a heavy strain on your kidneys and liver. You and you doctor should discuss appropriate precautions, such as having your liver enzymes tested to make sure that your liver is not being overtaxed.

So, if you start to experience any of the side effects that are described on the package, be sure to contact your physician ASAP. I also strongly suggest that you seek a qualified health care provider to help you address the underlying causes of your arthritis pain.

If you are worried about the dangers inherent in NSAID use, I highly recommend exploring one of the highly effective, natural alternatives for pain relief covered in our previous articles.



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