8 Famous People With Arthritis

8 Famous People With Arthritis

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As serious as chronic arthritis is, it does not mark the end of life. Many famous individuals, including actors, athletes, and politicians, have suffered from arthritis, but instead of letting such a condition break them, those listed below turned their struggle into a source of inspiration and encouragement for others.

These brave individuals found ways to overcome the condition and live full, successful lives full of passion, while inspiring others to do the same.

So, which celebrities am I referring to? Let’s take a look.

Terry Bradshaw

Source: Fox Sports

Terry Bradshaw is a sports legend who continues to add more to his resume. He is known for his unfathomable impact in the National Football League (NFL) during his younger years as the Hall of Fame quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

At 69, he continues to be a star player off-field co-hosting on Fox NFL Sunday and starring in a new reality TV series as well! Having garnered five nominations and winning three Sports Emmy Awards as Outstanding Studio Analyst, he has developed quite a large following and presence.

While recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, he has chosen to tackle the disease head-on. As the official spokesman for Rheumatic Disease Awareness Month, Bradshaw remains open about his condition and seeks to encourage others through it.

He emphasizes the importance of following a proper diet, proper treatment, and getting enough exercise. He continues to emphasize that arthritis is not only caused by old age and can happen to anyone.

Bradshaw is a prime example of someone who has not let arthritis slow them down!

Lucille Ball


Lucille Ball positively influenced millions of people. By using her talent for making people laugh, she hoped to help them get through their struggles, or at least forget about them for a while. Yet, behind the curtain, she fought a battle, too.

Diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at the tender age of 17, she had every reason to be discouraged. Regardless, she relentlessly pursued her dreams and in doing so, won the hearts of many. However, her journey wasn’t easy. She was diagnosed with the disease in the year 1928—long before modern medical advancements. She experienced constant joint pain, fever, and general weakness. The doctors did what they could at the time, and thankfully she was able to pursue her career.

Through this, she starred in the five-time Emmy Award-winning comedy show, I Love Lucy. A true actress, her zany skits were quite often portrayed through physical performance—consistently leaving her audiences rolling in laughter.

At the age of 78, it was heart failure that caused her death, not the symptoms associated with her debilitating diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

During the time she was alive, she was a major supporter of the National Arthritis Foundation. Her story is evidence that you can live with rheumatoid arthritis, and still maintain the passion to achieve your dreams.

Glenn Frey


In the year 2016, the world was forced to say goodbye to famed guitarist, vocalist, and founding member of the Eagles band, Glenn Frey. Rock fans,mourning the loss of someone who influenced the world with songs such as “Take It Easy” and “Hotel California”, were shocked to learn that the artist succumbed to rheumatoid arthritis, colitis, and pneumonia at the age of 67.

Frey had courageously battled a series of ailments, including arthritis, during the last fifeen years of his life.

The Eagles would sometimes have to cancel tours. The main reason being due to Glenn’s condition, when he’d have to undergo numerous treatments to alleviate pain.

Despite what Glenn Frey went through, getting proper medical treatment helped him live longer and helped him inspire millions of other arthritis sufferers as he continued to perform and do what he loved to do.

Kathleen Turner


Kathleen Turner earned her place in the acting world with her impressive talent. Her infectious personality also played out quite well on screen, earning her leading roles in films such as Romancing the Stone (1984) and The War of the Roses (1989). However, despite her major success, the Golden Globe winner has been battling arthritis for at least 25 years. She claims that the diagnosis impacted her negatively—initially driving her to the point of seeking comfort in alcohol.

However, she chose to take control of her life. Kathleen Turner, from a point of brokenness, decided to inspire and encourage others. She has remained quite outspoken in sharing her personal story about living with the crippling joint disease.

Her book, Send Yourself Roses, has had a positive impact on millions of readers as the author shared the personal lessons she has learned in successfully overcoming severe rheumatoid arthritis. Years after her diagnosis, she lives on and continues to pursue her life ambitions, as well as encourage others.

Tatum O’Neal


Everybody knows Tatum O’Neal from her first acting role in The Paper Moon. She was only ten years old at the time, but she managed to win an Oscar for her role. She went on to play leading roles in various hit films over the years.

She was doing what she loved, pursuing her dreams until she was confronted with the news. Tatum O’Neal was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis which had already damaged her ankles. According to the Arthritis Foundation, she experienced severe joint pain. The pain would even limit her movement.

After having a bad reaction to methotrexate, and being hospitalized three times within a four month period, she is now on a new medicine therapy, and feeling much better.

She is dedicated to staying healthy and attributes this to taking natural supplements, such as probiotics, turmeric, and MSM, eating a healthy diet, and regular exercise.

She has openly shared her experience and encourages those with the same diagnosis to build relationships with other arthritis sufferers—which she believes will help create a better understanding of the disease and how to effectively manage it.

Jamese Coburn


An icon in the acting world, Coburn’s undeniable talent managed to earn him a number of awards, as well as the reputation of being the ultimate Hollywood tough guy.

However, in his private life, Coburn was battling major joint pain, and by 1990 he could barely walk due to the pain he experienced from arthritis.

As his career was brought to a sudden halt after he was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, he stepped away from acting for a number of years until he found ways to deal with the disease and alleviate his pain.

Coburn was outspoken that he, like many, had little faith in medical professionals who focused on treating the painful symptoms with medications rather than looking further into the root cause of the problem.

However he found certain medications such as methylsulfonylmethane effective in providing pain relief, as well as deep tissue massage, and alternative treatments such as electromagnetic therapy.

His comeback success earned him an Oscar in the film Affliction. Of course, he did not stop there and remained active until his death at age 74 due to a heart attack.

Dr. Christiaan Barnard, MD


Dr Chistiaan Barnard achieved world-wide acclaim as the first surgeon to have ever performed a human heart transplant.

His knowledge and experience in perfecting this procedure has saved millions of lives worldwide.

What most people do not know is that the South African doctor was diagnosed with arthritis in 1956. However, he was able to continue operating for another 27 years until he finally retired from surgical practice in 1983 as Head of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery in Cape Town.

He then took to lecturing, and later became interested in anti-aging research. He also dedicated himself to helping underprivileged children throughout the world.

Barnard’s life is proof that arthritis does not have to slow you down or keep you from helping others!

Aida Turturro


Aida Turturro is a classic example that there’s life after rheumatoid arthritis.

The talented actress is most recognizable as the sister of New Jersey mob boss Tony Soprano on the HBO series The Sopranos.

Having already earned two Emmy nominations, Turturro isn’t letting arthritis slow her down. Despite the fact that she was diagnosed at the age of 12, she continues to pursue her life goals—and quite relentlessly.

Aida Turturro is not shy to admit that there are hard days. The joint pain manifests itself at different times of the day, and when she least expects it.

Yet, she remains fervent about her stance on positivity, exercise, and proper medication. Her openness on the subject has helped inspire millions worldwide.

Additionally, as a national spokesperson for RA, she has teamed with other celebrities to bring awareness and help raise support for advancements in treatments for those suffering with RA. Turturro believes that everyone can live fulfilling lives, despite a diagnosis of arthritis.



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